Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.
Psalm 50:15
When God shows his grace and mercy to us, we should praise him publicly for what he has done. God has shown me a great deal of grace and mercy recently of which I have not yet spoken, so here it is:
In 2004, the company I work for told my department that it was preparing to outsource our services to India. For the next year we waited to hear more and finally on June 6 the hammer fell. A representative from our headquarters came to our local office and told us that September 6 would be our last day. In the local region, covering three states and about a dozen offices, all the people in my department would be layed off except for two ... my boss and me.
I know that I have not earned this place on my own. I've done my job and offered to help wherever I could. But so have others. I've tried to be an exemplary employee. But so have others. But God graciously chose to maintain my employment for the time being. This has removed a huge burden from my shoulders and has caused me to revel in God's mercy to undeserving sinners like me.
What a great God we serve!