July 28, 2005

Words mean things--so do grammar, culture, and context

The need for proper biblical hermeneutics

James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries has posted an article on the need for consistent Protestant biblical hermeneutics. Written by White's friend, Pastor John Samson, emphasizes the absolute necessity of proper biblical interpretation, not only for pastors, but also for all "lay" persons:

We would be horrified to hear of a surgeon who had just two weeks of training operating on someone's brain. As important as brain surgery is, I believe the job of the Gospel preacher is far more important. Eternal souls hang in the balance, and great care and attention is needed to ensure that a teaching is sound, healthy and accurate. A teacher of the Bible needs rigorous training in the science of biblical interpretation (hermeneutics). But that's not just true for the preacher; everyone of us needs to know how to gain an accurate knowledge of the Word of God.

Some people think that if God wants you to know something about the Bible, He will just reveal it to you supernaturally. Unfortunately, that's how a lot of cults get started. 1 Tim 5:17 says, "Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine." Correct interpretation requires work; sometimes, a great deal of hard work...."

Read the complete article.

The beginning of wisdom...

I'm so glad that God has blessed me with a church (Occoquan Bible Church) that teaches its people well. Last quarter I co-taught an adult Christian education class (Sunday School) on Protestant Biblical Hermeneutics. It wasn't an easy class (for the students or the teachers), but it was a chock-full of information vital to all Christians.

When you find the time to read an excellent book on biblical interpretation, in between your reading of the new Harry Potter book and the most recent 40 Days of [Insert Target Here], get a copy of How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth. It's an outstanding book that you can understand even if, like me, you have no extended education.

May God bless your reading of His Word.