July 21, 2005

Dave Hunt reviles the gospel again

Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt of The Berean Call has spent the past half decade railing against Calvinism. Although there are legitimate debates on this topic, Dave Hunt has shown a lack of scholarship and honesty in his campaign that boggles the mind. James White, founder and head of Alpha & Omega Ministries, has posted a short response to Hunt's newest book, A Calvinist's Honest Doubts Resolved by Reason and God's Amazing Grace.

If you're going to read this book (or Hunt's earlier travesty, What Love Is This?) be sure to also read The Potter's Freedom by James White. Keep checking Alpha & Omega Ministries' web site for further updates to this developing situation. I'm sure James will provide adequate response to Hunt's arguments. Arguments that bring shame and dishonor to the name of Christ.