July 03, 2008

Ripped out by the roots

Did I do this sort of thing when I was a teenager?

Today my son called from the bathroom to me to tell me that he had lost a tooth. He was very excited because "the Tooth Fairy" (Mom) puts $5 under his pillow when he loses a tooth. We can easily afford it since he has lost four teeth total so far and he's 13 years old. The dentists say this means his teeth are very healthy, so that's probably a good thing. But it sure gets him excited when he finally loses a tooth.

Well, "loses a tooth" might not be a particularly accurate description of what happened in this case. His tooth had begun wiggling a couple days ago and he was really desperate for it to fall out so he could get that $5.00 to add to his model train funds.

So he got impatient, grabbed the tooth and ripped it out of his gums. Of course, that meant the he was bleeding profusely from his mouth for a while after the tooth came out.

As a good and caring parent, I—of course—grabbed my camera and took some blog photos.

It's always an adventure, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. cough sputter sputter, GAG!

    Lovely picture, that second one!



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