April 03, 2008

Working hard to misunderstand

It's getting harder and harder to debate with people these days. The mere suggestion of disagreement becomes "a personal attack" and it seems that all the arguments you present to convince the hearers of your position are misunderstood intentionally, many times with the obvious goal of misdirecting the debate into territory that is not pertinent to the discussion.

The following quote is from Pyromaniacs: Coffee Klatsch. Read the full post, but here's a quote to whet your appetite:

Postmodernists aren't sure about much, but they work harder than Mormon apologists to maintain the few cardinal dogmas of their system. Of course, the first article of faith in the postmodernists' short canon is their belief that an impregnable fortress of ambiguity surrounds the very slippery notion of "truth." They can't seem to muster any settled conviction even when God Himself has spoken. But here's one thing they are dead certain about: Meaning is always elusive.

Meaning is at its most evanescent whenever someone disagrees with them. The more you labor to make your meaning plain, the harder the postmodern mind will labor to find a way to deconstruct your clarifications. And if you are stubborn enough to continue explaining yourself in the face of their determination to misread what you are saying, a devoted pomo will simply pretend not to be able to hear. If you persist anyway, prepare to be labeled either stupid or uncharitable.

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