April 22, 2008

How a Christian brother responds

As the little men of the patriarchy react in anger to opposing opinion, trying hard to end intellectual thought and balanced debate, those who have the discernment to recognize the promulgation of heresy respond to those under counterattack in a much more genteel fashion.

When Dr. Cindy Kunsman presented a scholarly look at the claims of the patriarchy movement, she apparently made many people uncomfortable. One would think that a professor of Christian theology at a leading Southern Baptist theological seminary would be able to defend his views in polite and reasoned debate without resorting to schoolyard bully tactics. One would expect that the person offended would make his own presentation of his defense and not enlist others to do his dirty work. But then, there is not a whole lot of thinking going on in the patriarchy movement—just a whole lot of bluster and forceful authoritarianism.

As these men show themselves to be unworthy of their positions and even their manhood, the other side has responded with feedback from Christian brothers and sisters.


  1. Richard, I just listened to Cindy's part one on the youtube, and plan on listening to it again, as well as the other parts.

    I recognize the "president" she refers to, and have it narrowed down to two "unnamed apologetics organizations," and the president of one is the acting president of the other, which is the orgainzation which sponsored the conference at which she spoke.

    Unfortunately, I could not find the disclaimer online, so I don't know what the conflict is about.

    So I'm still in the dark here.

  2. I'm a bit lost on this whole thing too. I am very curious about the apologetics organizations as well. Mainly because any apologetics organization that can't defend its position and resorts to trying to shut down its critics rather than answer them is not worth its salt. So I would love to know who I should be ignoring.

  3. simplegifts3,

    At least one of the "unnamed apologetics organizations" has a press release selection on their website. A recent blog post by Wade Burleson on Grace and Truth to You about Cindy's talk has a link to the disclaimer.

  4. Thanks, I've seen it. I've written to Don Veinot and he has clarified some things to me in private.

  5. She's obviously referring, btw, to EMNR (Evangelical Ministries to New Religions), and to Don Veinot, who is the president of the same.

  6. Lynn,

    Since things were stated to me in general terms, and as far as documentation of the specifics, I'd love to know whether said organization president was able to give you any more information than he gave to me. Had I not written to Richard and asked for him to remove the names of the organizations invovled, I would have no documentation of anything, save the organization's disclaimer.

    Did he provide you with any specific or concrete evidence that I misrepresented anyone or that I made unwarranted statements? I was not even told who these people were who complained. I was not informed about the disclaimer until after it went online. I was given no opportunity to defend these claims privately before the statement was released.

    Are you at liberty to discuss these clarifications that he made?

  7. Cindy, one thing I'm not happy about is the fact that the disclaimer is vague. And that is an understatement. That means that people who listened to your youtubes, which I have by now, and are concerned, are either writing Don private emails or else sending them to the ENMR website, to find out what they mean by what they did.

    I was not given names of people who complained, or anything like that.

    I think the rest had best be taken private, and I will write you an email.

  8. Cindy has written some pretty devastating stuff regarding the patriarchy movement. And I have yet to hear Phillips et al honestly debate any critique without resorting to bullying and name calling. That's just the way they roll: lies, misrepresentation and as a last resort name calling.


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