January 13, 2010

Flapping lips = abundant sin

Proverbs 10:19

When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.


t’s easy to talk too much—especially if we think we know a lot about the topic at hand. I know I am often guilty of this and my son has followed in my footsteps. My wife says it’s the “Mommy Curse.” You know—the curse our mother’s give us when they say something like, “when you grow up I hope you have a child that acts just like you.’ I think my mom’s curse worked.

But as Solomon advised in Proverbs 10:19, it would be prudent to watch our words because when we talk to much, we’re likely to get ourselves in trouble.

Apparently this problem is not unique to me and my progeny. Listen to Pat Robertson talk a little too much. Okay—maybe he’s talking way too much in that video.



  1. What I cringe at is that we are going to give an account for every idle word in at the judgment seat of Christ. I hope I don't escape only as through fire. I hope there's something more than just wood, hay and stubble coming out of my mouth.

  2. Yes - And that might be a solid warning for bloggers. I know I have often spoken out of anger and ignorance.

    The thing that bothered me with Pat Robertson's comments is that Jesus told his disciples on at least two occasions that the sort of thing that happened in Haiti is not necessarily evidence of God's punishment. He said that it is a continual reminder that we all need to repent or we may die in a similar way. And he said that sometimes these sorts of things happen to demonstrate the power and glory of God.

    It's just too easy to see someone else going through difficult times and to say, "it's because they were sinning." But like Job's pseudo-friends, we may just not understand how God is at work in that person's life. It seems best to leave the reasoning behind events to God, since he is the only one who truly knows.

  3. We've talked about this many a time. Micah 6:8, "No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Robertson's assessment does not seem to follow the mandate above. It more closely resembles the story of the Pharisee and the publican in Luke 18.


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