Can you believe it's February already?

Today's blog header photo is from the Amusement Square sidewalk in downtown Lynchburg. The sidewalk to the left is part of the Black Water Creek bicycle and walking trail that winds through Lynchburg beginning about a mile from our house, running through the downtown area, crossing the James River and ending up on an island on the far side. It's a great trail and a beautiful place to ride a bike.
On the right you can see part of the track from the old railroad that was one of the most important depots in the War Between the States. Lynchburg was an important and highly trafficked hub for the Southern supply lines. The old depot has been converted into a restaurant (the Depot Grill, and it is fantastic!) but the track still remains in place. It runs along the James River and is still used, although the train stop has now been moved to another location.
Its a beautiful blog header!