October 31, 2008

Reformation Polka (by Martin Luther?)


  1. Well, the opening part was by Luther, translated from German.


    My nine year old wanted me to play this Youtube several times today. I told her the story of Luther and his promise to St. Anne (the lightning strike) that he would become a monk, how the Catholic Church promoted giving money to get people out of Purgatory, and in general about works salvation. I told her Luther, after he read "The just shall live by faith," understood that the Catholic Church needed reforming, but he was kicked out, and today he is known as one of the Reformers.

    I told her he lived in the 1500s in Germany.

    I had her repeat after me, "Martin Luther lived in the 1500s in Germany, and he was one of the first Reformers of the Church." We sang the first verse of "A Mighty Fortress."

    And that will have to count for her history lesson for today!

  2. Good for you. I wish more people would teach their children Church history. It is one of my favorite subjects.

    I am singing "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" a capella in church this coming Sunday. I love that hymn. I'll post the words to "You Don't Own Me" by Party Hardy Marty Luther and the Reformers when I get the chance. It's great. Keep an eye out for it. I'll try to do it later tonight. Maybe while I wait for ghosts and goblins to come for treats.

  3. My word, my daughter has asked me to play this youtube over and over and over again today! When I said it was our only history lesson, it sure was a substantial one! Here are some of her questions, and some excursions we have gone on today. She's singing "Away in a Manger" as I type.

    "What are indulgences?"

    "Why did that duke hide him?"

    So far today we've discussed -

    "A Mighty Fortress,"

    "Away in a Manger,"

    what the word "Reformation" means,

    why the church by the 1500s needed reforming,

    Luther's promise to St. Anne on account of the lightning storm (saying, "I don't know" when asked if it were raining, too),

    what indulgences were for (St. Peter's) and the ditty "every time a nickel in the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs," (explaining that Tetzel collected indulgences and said paying them helped get loved ones out of "hell")

    That it was Duke Frederick who hid Luther at Wartburg for a time, and called him "Knight George," and on and on and on.

    Still singing "Away in a Manger," and it's past time for bed.

    She's PSYCHED about Luther!

  4. Lynn - that's so great that she's interested in Luther. He was an amazing man.

    If you can figure out how to avoid the one curse word in it, you should show her the movie "Luther." It is an absolutely phenomenal movie. It doesn't delve deeply enough into Luther's epiphany when reading through Romans, but it is historically accurate and is very well done.


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