July 06, 2008

Dividing our burdens

In the gift shop at Poplar Forest, Thomas Jefferson's retreat home, I saw a small sign placed in front of a book. I don't think the sign was meant to help sell the book as there was no indication that they were related. But it caught my attention.

The sign had a wonderful quote from Thomas Jefferson written on it. In the quote, Jefferson reveals a depth of character that I don't think is very common today. I think our society would be well-served to develop the worldview that gave rise to this quote:

What more sublime delight than to mingle tears with one whom the hand of heaven hath smitten! To watch over the bed of sickness, and to beguile its tedious and its painful moments! To share our bread with one whom misfortune has left none! This world abounds indeed with misery; to enlighten its burden we must divide it with one another.

Thomas Jefferson to Mrs. Cosway — Paris, 1786

It's interesting to note that in the above quote, Thomas Jefferson reveals that he believes in the sovereignty of God ("whom the hand of heaven hath smitten"). This is not the typical religious belief attributed to Jefferson. I think he may have been a greater man than I was ever taught. The statement from the sign in front of his Poplar Forest home (shown above left) says a lot about the man as well. "A place of inspiration to live a life of curiosity and creativity." How wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Great quote.
    Again - I am encouraged by reading your blog!
    Praise God for edifying believers whom have never even met.

    I guess I feel the same way about the apostle Paul. Or likewise to all the inspired writers. I have never seen Peter - but God's work in him strengthens me.

    How cool.


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