April 11, 2008

A new pet–Roger Rabbit


ast night David came running up to the house holding a blue milk crate covered by a trash bag. He was talking excitedly about having caught something. We hurried to the door to see what was happening (camera in hand). David pulled the trash bag back from the crate to reveal his newfound catch—a tiny little baby rabbit.

David has always been great at catching things. But in the past it was usually runaway cats or frogs. He has had many, many pet frogs over the years and has caused great distress to many mothers as he taught other children the fine art of toad catching. But this was a first. As David put it, it was the first time he had caught "a furry pet."

We taped the trash bag to the top of the crate and headed out to find a suitable cage for Roger, David's name for his new pet. (Roger Rabbit—David has always had a way with naming animals.) His first stuffed animals were named very creatively. He had a bear named "Bearie," a dog named "Doggy," an owl namded "Owlie," and a cat named "Kitty."

Most recently, David has named all of his stuffed animals after girls that he has had a crush on. Some of these animals have changed names as the girls rise and fall in the rankings. The way he has named his stuffed animals has actually helped us to figure out who his best friends at school are, since he tends to stay pretty quiet about such things.

So, unless he has a new friend named Roger, this new pet's name is probably one of the best names he's come up with yet. I supposed if the rabbit turns out to be a girl (I have no clue how to figure that out), its name will have to be changed to Jessica.

After getting a decent cage for Roger and making a little house for Roger to hide in when he wants privacy (a shoebox in the corner of his cage), David went out and invited some friends over to see his new catch. He's very excited and will likely be blogging about it later today or tomorrow. He's been in a great mood all night. He loves critters.


  1. What a charming picture, of boy AND bunny! I love the creative names, too. Our woods are full of little cotton tails like this. I am glad he came to a good home. Blessings to you, Peggy

  2. One quick question, Richard, that is off topic of bunnies. Do you ever listed to or read anything by Pator Erwin Lutzer from Moody Bible Church in Chicago? I listen to "Running To Win" regularly and have read several of his books. I like him very much. I wondered what you thought of him, if anything. Enjoying a beautiful Virginia spring evening, Peggy

  3. We are enjoying our little bunny. I didn't explain in the post that we think his family was wiped out by a fox that we have here in the woods. The fox was stalking the cotton tails last year, but they stayed close to our house and the fox didn't want to cross the road, so they were relatively safe. But we've seen only one adult bunny this year and haven't seen that adult for a couple weeks. And we were surprised to find this tiny baby bunny out and about by himself. So we decided to bring him into the safety of our home. He's forming quite a bond with my wife who has been feeding him with an eyedropper.

    Regarding Erwin Lutzer ... I have read a couple of his books and found them to be well-written with a balanced and scriptural presentation. I agree with him on most things, the only disagreement springing to mind at this time is that I hold to believers baptism, not paedobaptism. But I think my theology aligns with his pretty closely.

    I believe I first read his books based on my father's recommendation. My father is a deep thinker, a solid scholar, and an outstanding pastor (now retired), and I have great respect for my father's opinions on such things.

    Now for the flip side of the coin. Erwin Lutzer appears to have close ties with folks who at the very least allow for blatant racism and white supremacy within their ranks. Dr. Lutzer has been a featured speaker at many events that included the likes of Doug Phillips, who has been vociferous in his proclamation that slavery is not wrong and that the African slave trade is not something Christians should have opposed. He apparently has close ties with the Vision Forum, which strikes me as an unbiblical elitist, legalistic group with some serious heresies in their playbook. I appreciate their work on the Christian roots of our nation, although I think they paint a historically inaccurate rosey picture. Published writings by some of their people claim that Jesus is a lesser member of the Godhead. They hold to the Mormon concept of sanctification for women, namely, that women are justified through their husbands or fathers, not through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They strongly push a works-based holiness, if not a works-based salvation. And they use incredibly unChristlike strongarm tactics against their critics.

    I have some heroes who have close ties with some of these people, but I tread very lightly and very carefully anytime I read their materials or listen to their lectures or sermons. I have mentioned Voddie Baucham before on this blog. I respect him greatly. But due to his close ties with some of the people in the Patriarchy movement (a movement strongly promoted by Vision Forum), I am very careful regarding him and do not recommend him to others without a caveat regarding these concerns. Erwin Lutzer would fall into that same category--not guilty through any fault of his own, but suspect by association.

    I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. I respect your opinion.

  4. Richard, I confess I know nothing of his ties to other groups, just what I have read and heard of his own words. I will have to look into that, as I want nothing to do with the types of thoughts you mentioned. Good to know, though, and I'll have to do some research!Thanks for your thoughts.
    I am sorry about the bunny's family. The law of nature can be very cruel. Our woods are populated by deer, which periodically run into the country road and get smashed by a car. I can't bear it. I know all about population control (for deer) and all that. It still makes me sad and I don't like to see it. I have a soft heart for all creatures. Peggy

  5. Peggy - I do not think less of Dr. Lutzer based on my perceptions of his ties to other groups. I am just careful. I do not believe in guilt by association and there are times when we should cooperate with those with whom we disagree. And I have never read anything by him that promoted any of these problematic things.

    It's hard to maintain balance and I have been known to fail in that regard.

    Have a great weekend. We enjoyed the "beautiful Virginia spring evening" at a minor league baseball game. It was great fun. It's warm but raining now. Good for the flowers, but we probably won't be riding our bikes as we had planned.


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