March 01, 2008

The big day

David swimming in the hotel pool

After a long and grueling work week (68 hours in four days), yesterday my family headed south to Columbia, South Carolina, to attend the wedding of a wonderful couple. We had a good trip. The best thing being that when we left Virginia it was about 32 degrees outside and when we arrived in Columbia, S.C., it was about 70 degrees. Even though Virginia was the capitol of the Confederacy, sometimes it just doesn't feel "south" enough. I was born in Yankee territory, but in God's grace and mercy he moved me to Virginia before I was old enough to be tainted by Northern ways.

That's me under the splash

Weddings are a wonderful reminder of the "circle of life," as it was called in the Lion King. It's so easy to forget the earlier stages of life when we are living through other stages. Romance, courtship, love, planning for the future ... these are all wonderful stages of our lives. And it's delightful to see younger couples who are dedicated to the Lord and to each other as they embark on the journey of life together.

Joe & Abigail

Many years ago, people lived all their lives in the same village. They learned together, played together, worshiped together, got married, worked, and lived all their lives with the same ever-growing group of people. They learned commitment to each other. They learned how to live together in spite of recognizing each other faults. They learned to be accountable. Our mobility, while be a great benefit in some areas of our lives, has contributed to a loss of those positive things. I regret that loss.

I pray that our friends Joe and Abigail will be blessed with a community of people who love and live with them and encourage them in their walk with God.

It's an exciting day today.


  1. So glad you had a good trip and arrived home safely!

    May I sound a hearty amen that you were transplanted before being affected by Northern ways. I say quite often that my husband is Northern by chance, but married to a good Southern girl by the grace of God! ;o)

  2. Mrs Wilt, I wish you could have been at the wedding. It was the most beautiful and most God-honoring wedding I have ever attended. I think it should set the standard for what a Christian wedding should be.

    Keep an eye on my wife's blog and on mine. We're likely going to be posting about the wedding all week long -- it was that wonderful!

    You can also read a bit about it here.

    Oh - and I'm sure Mr. Wilt is very glad that a good Southern girl rescued him from the pit of Northernism (or is that "Yankeedom"?) I'm very grateful to God that my Southern Belle rescued me.


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