November 12, 2007

High Tech In-fighting

Church life offers many new challenges. Worldly desires and methods can creep in and the sanctuary becomes a war zone. Church fights turn high-tech: Web is new weapon of choice tells a sad story about the state of many current evangelical churches. Not knowing the inside story on this, I cannot comment directly to the situtation. But whatever the leaders of this church are doing wrong, the internet is not the place to air dirty laundry. I believe this use of the internet directly conflicts with the biblical injunction against "casting pearls before pigs" (Matthew 7:6).

I have tried to use my blog to discuss general matters of culture, philosophy, and ecclesiology. But at times I have come perilously close to casting pearls before the pigs. I would like to thank "Steve," who responded to my post "Why Hymns" and reminded me of the danger involved in taking frustrations to a public forum. Steve was concerned, and rightly so, that I was heading the direction of the article linked above.

I have removed the post entitled "Why Hymns" for this reason. I may come back to address the issue of the quality of music in churches at a future time. But now is not that time.

May we all seek to live in such a way as would draw attention to Christ and his magnificent love for fallen mankind rather than seeking to push our own agendas, whether we are sitting in the pew and feeling powerless or have some sense of authority and power because of our position in the church. No matter what our strata, we are sinners saved by grace through faith, "and it is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God.

Thank you Steve.

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