December 28, 2004

"Fetus" or "baby"?

The following article was written and published by Newsmax. I re-publish the article in its entirety here, but check out Newsmax for more excellent journalism.

Kidnapped Baby Wasn't a 'Fetus'
The pro-abortion media establishment had a hard time accurately reporting one of the Christmas season's saddest stories, the infant who was kidnapped from her mother's butchered womb.

As we expected, initial news stories referred to the abducted "fetus." Yet four days later, even when tiny Victoria Jo Stinnett was in good physical health after her ordeal, one wire story again called her a "fetus."

Does that mean the "journalist" thought it was still OK to kill Victoria?

No wonder Big Media refuses to understand why most American voters oppose the horrors of partial-birth abortion, and why newspapers keep losing circulation.

Of course, many newspapers and other media have editorialized that they consider disabled 41-year-old Terri Schiavo deserving of death.

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